Dashboarding πŸ“ˆ at Microsoft Tech Days

Dashboarding πŸ“ˆ at Microsoft Tech Days header image

The Microsoft Tech Days: Have a seat with Microsoft 365 developer platform will be 5 MAY 2022. It will be held at the internet (online session πŸŽ™οΈ) and I will be speaking about: Dashboarding πŸ“ˆ at Microsoft Tech Days a level 200-300 session.

Want to learn more about Microsoft 365 Development? Contemplating getting certified in Microsoft 365 with the MS-600: Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services qualification? Together with some friends we will host a 2-hour event to introduce you to all the capabilities of Microsoft 365, including Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Viva and Microsoft Graph, to create a solution to allow a safe return to the office 🏒. Techdays Banner - Albert-Jan Schot

In easy digestable chuncks of 20 minutes you are walked through what it takes to build a solution on Microsoft 365 to get back to the office. New challenges can include needing to check-in on arrival, reserve desk space, and have access to different policies that regularly change. Managers are keen to understand who’s working from home versus when they’re in the office and when to bring the team together. So we focus on what services and components within Microsoft 365 you can leverage to solve these chalenges 🧩! A great way to start your development journey with Microsoft 365.

You can read all about my session Dashboarding πŸ“ˆ at Microsoft Tech Days. Hope to see you there πŸ‘‹! Register to join me at the internet (online session πŸŽ™οΈ)!

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