Slidedeck SharePoint Connections 2013 Navigation in a Multi Site Collection environment

Slidedeck SharePoint Connections 2013 Navigation in a Multi Site Collection environment header image

Presenting is always good fun, especially on a great event like the SharePoint Connections, so I had a lot of fun doing so this week. I had the honor of giving a session in a packed room on Navigation in a Multi Site Collection environment. Now the organization did a great job and everything was arranged so I would like to thank Jasper Oosterveld for fixing such awesome speakers, and NCcomms for making it all happen.

The slides you can download from SlideShare if you like,

During my sessions Martin Hatch pointed out that the navigation settings that you can set in XML or code on the top- and left navigation can be found when checking out the PortalNavigation object, so the following properties (even though some of them have no description) can used in XML or code to set your navigation settings

public bool InheritGlobal {}
public bool InheritCurrent {}
public bool ShowSiblings {}
public int GlobalDynamicChildLimit {}
public int CurrentDynamicChildLimit {}
public AutomaticSortingMethod AutomaticSortingMethod    {}
public bool SortAscending {}
public bool GlobalIncludePages {}
public bool GlobalIncludeSubSites }
public bool CurrentIncludePages {}
public bool CurrentIncludeSubSites {}

So I can’t wait for next year, the date is already planned, though it will no longer be SharePoint Connections but SharePoint Connect. It will be held on the 18th and 19th of November 2014, so I hope to see you there! The next adventure will be speaking at the European Office 365 Connect in Haarlem on the 28th and 29th of January where I will give a session on ‘SharePoint Online Applification’, so a nice overview of what the App Model can bring to us as developer. You can use my speaker code GB236 to get an extra 10% discount!

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