Passing the Yammer Certified Power User exam

Passing the Yammer Certified Power User exam header image

Ever since Microsoft bought Yammer, the integration between the two platforms is increasing. So over the last few months we spend time at Mavention to start using, and learning, Yammer. While we started the Mavention network a long time ago we never really used it until around 6 months ago. And as with all new tools some of the functionality takes some time to learn but in general Yammer is pretty straight forward and easy to learn. Yet to truly master a product you will need to spend some time on it, and maybe even spend some time on certification.

So with a few colleagues we decided to dig into the Yammer certification a bit and see what might come in handy. As Yammer is a popular tool there are some vendors providing training models that you can follow, and get certified on. However we decided to follow the ‘official’ Yammer path. The different certifications can be found on the Yammer Certifications page and offer 4 different models:

  • Yammer Power User
  • Yammer Community Manager
  • Yammer Trainer
  • Yammer Administrator

From those 4 options there are two that you can take without following the courses itself, and thus study for you yourself:

  • Yammer Power User
  • Yammer Administrator

Since the first one is stated to be the ‘foundation of enterprise social networking’ we decided that would be a good start, so over the course of a week we spent some time preparing for the exam. Now you can follow a course, but since we were using Yammer in the real world already we decided to prep ourselves by spending a few hours on studying the Yammer Training Resources; and watching (some) of the Yaminars. If you do not have any experience with using Yammer it might require a bit more time and reviewing some of the options, but if you are already using Yammer that should be enough to pass the exam.

Passing the exam will grand you the Yammer Certified Power User title (YCPU) and will take between 40 minutes and an hour to complete, and is around 45 questions. It helped my colleagues Marc Molenaar and Lennard van Leuven and of course myself to pass the exam and get our self a proud Yammer Certified Power User.

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